Tools that Introverts can use to network more effectively

Tools to help introverts network effectively

Tools to help Introverts can use to network effectively

There are a lot of benefits to being an introvert. Introverts tend to be introspective and are often able to offer a unique perspective. They tend to have close, meaningful relationships. They’re good listeners, observant, compassionate, and tend to think before they speak. As employees, introverts can be invaluable to the company. However introverts often need tools to network effectively

An introvert can thrive once they’re in the flow of working. Their main challenge comes in the form of networking, which can be essential in finding employment or developing careers. For freelancers, entrepreneurs, and many workers, networking is an integral part of working life. However. for people who value their alone time and can get drained by social interaction, networking can seem like a living nightmare. Fortunately, there are ways to turn networking from something you dread to an activity in which you thrive.

  • Utilize online social networks.
    • As an introvert, you probably love spending time at home. You can use that time wisely to build an online presence that will attract clients or potential employees to you.
    • Make sure your LinkedIn profile is updated and looks professional. Invest in a quality profile picture and cover photo. You can keep yourself relevant on LinkedIn by writing or sharing useful articles pertinent to your field. Comment in groups and endorse your coworkers on their skills. The same goes for profiles on any other work-related website you use.
    • Post on forums, groups, and websites relevant to your field and your interests. Answer questions that people post. Position yourself as knowledgable and helpful. When people see that you can add value to their life, they are more likely to want to work with you.
    • Make online connections, and let people know when you are looking for new opportunities.
    • Don’t spread yourself too thin. It’s better to have one main website and account that is professional and updated, rather than join every platform and social media site. Spend time getting to know the platforms you’re using – every website can have it’s own “culture” and rules.
    • Set aside a certain amount of time every day for online networking. 30-60 minutes a day can go a long way if you are consistent.

  • When you have to interact face-to-face…
    • Rest before and after any big networking events. If you know you have an important event coming up, limit your social interaction in the days before and after. If you attend the event after a long day interacting with others, you’re not going to be able to perform at your best. Make sure you give yourself time to recharge after the event, as well. Otherwise, your body will remember the event as negative, and you will dread going to future events.
    • Take the time to prepare. Think up some questions you can ask new people, and have some prepared answers to questions that people are likely to ask you. These kinds of conversations are more challenging for some people to think of on the fly, and that’s OK.
    • Get to events early. Arriving at a crowded event alone can be intimidating. That nervous energy can carry into your conversations, making you seem insecure. Instead, arrive early and settle in. Talk to people as they arrive, before they get into long-winded conversations with others. This will make it easier for you to leave early, as well.
    • Try to have one-on-one conversations as much as possible. Rather than going to a big event to try to talk to a few specific people, try and invite them to meet for lunch. When you are at a big event, see if you can find the person sitting alone rather than joining the big group.
    • Ask your friends and previous clients to introduce you to people. It can be scary to address people and companies with no prior buildup. Having mutual connections can make it easier to initiate a conversation. If your future employee or client already has some information about you, that can help even further.
    • Leave the event after you’ve met a few people. Don’t push yourself to your limit. You don’t have to stay until the end to show your dedication. After you’ve talked to someone between one to five people and exchanged information with them, or set up a date to connect further, you can leave and finally go home to relax.

Networking, like any skill, can be improved. It’s easy to look at others and think that things come easily for them. Remember that you don’t know their story, and perhaps there are things that come easily for you that are much more difficult for those network-loving people. Focus on how you can improve and challenge yourself with your networking struggles, and eventually, you will feel more confident.

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