Personal Branding

Personal Branding

Benefits of Personal Branding in Modern Career Search

These days up to 70% of employers use social media to search for their ideal candidate. Whilst 50% of employers use social media to check on current employees.

Personal branding has become a common practice in the modern world, especially in the hiring process. Branding plays a great part in your career success; you can use it to improve your online presence, build trust, and greatly influence the impression you leave on others.

You might have created a good brand for your business or company, but have you thought of your personal brand?  If you are an active person on social media, you might have developed a brand for yourself without creating one. Personal branding can open many great opportunities in your career, both personally and professionally.

What is Personal Branding?

Personal branding is the practice of establishing a public persona for a target audience. Marketing your career or skills as a brand. It is a continuous process of creating and maintaining a reputation, either for personal benefit or your organization. It involves communicating your values, sharing your thoughts with others, purpose, and goals.

What are the Benefits of Personal Branding?

Have you ever wondered why some colleagues or other individuals in your field rise from nowhere to become noticeable? These people have mastered the art of attracting media attention; they deliver top-notch ideas in seminars and attract quality clients. How do they make it happen? It is through personal branding.

You are the key selling point of your service or product. If your brand is strong, your online audience will be directing strangers to you, trusting your services, and your brand will grow. With great influence, you have a thousand possibilities of meeting a potential employer.

You Become a Desirable Brand

A well-built brand will make you stand out among your competitors. It communicates positively about you- what you stand for, your values, expertise, and earns its users’ trust. It shows your potential employer the real you and why you are the ideal candidate. Your brand speaks for you and sells your unique value. It sets you apart from your competitors while providing your followers with the relevant information they are looking for.

Helps Attract Greater Opportunities

A personal brand will help you attract leads and great opportunities for you and your company. When you put yourself out to the public, you create a platform where people, including potential employers, get to know more about your services and freely interact with you. This, in turn, builds great relationships exposing you to new opportunities in the form of channel partnerships, affiliate agreements, acquisitions, referral agreements, investments, and much more.

For example, assume you’re an investor, and after doing research, you are left with two companies to choose from. In one of the companies, the CEO has developed an online presence, which means they have a personal brand. On the other hand, the other CEO has none. Given all other factors considered are equal, whoever has a public presence will be the differentiating factor because they are at a higher level of gaining trust. The same scenario applies during hiring, employers are more likely to consider you because of your online presence.

You will be more Identifiable in Person

Personal branding not only increases your online visibility but also makes you stand out among others. A majority of managers attend in-person events to access more potential clients and advertise their services; you’re your chances of meeting other executives are high.

You might consider attending regional trade shows, conventions, and conventions, which might turn into terrific conversion machines. In whichever case, building your brand will make you more noticeable in person, increase the chances of meeting your preferred employer, or make you more successful in your career.

Create New and Meaningful Relationships

Well branded experts have higher chances of securing valuable partnerships and meaningful relationships with other senior managers. Share tips relevant to your profession; perhaps you can trigger discussions with other experts or senior managers about new ideas.  When you authentically share your wisdom, you allow your target audience to know you as an individual and, in turn, win their trust, which creates bases for new opportunities.

One of the major benefits of having a personal brand is to create and expand this closed network. When your public presence is felt, an infinite number of people who translate to followers will know you. You, therefore, create valuable relationships that could not have developed otherwise.

Grow Your Credibility as an Expert

The more credibility you have, the more likely an employer is likely to trust your services.  Use modern communication channels like twitter or blogs to share valuable content with your audience, show off your leadership skills, provoke them to ask questions, and show your expertise through answering.

It is important to stay credible and make it easier to connect with them but don’t lose focus on your goal. People like to feel like they know you and whether you are reliable, especially if they are about to spend money or want to work with you. Since social media has become the greatest and most reliable place to get resourceful information about anyone, it is important to portray your authentic self. Then more people will start showing interest.

Compliments Commercial Brands

As a mid-level manager or executive, your values, beliefs, and personality align with the company you aspire to join. In this way, when an organization searchers who you are, your brand will sell you, and they can know if you’re the perfect match for their team. Your brand gives the public a hint of how you operate your core values and connects you with prospects on a personal level. Learn what the company values, their goals, and let it reflect in your brand.

Your brand can be greatly influenced by how you communicate online, the kind of stories you share, graphics you use, or photographs you publish, among other visual variables.

At Syzygy Careers, we are passionate about careers. Contact us today more information. Follow us on Linkedin and Youtube.

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