Personal Branding Through Social Media

One of the benefits of social media is that it can be used to build personal branding in your career. Branding yourself is a way to introduce who you are and what you offer to future business partners, professionals, or companies. There are several personal branding options with social media.

For those of you who are starting a business or an employee looking to grow your career, successful personal branding can be one of the early gateways for career success. There are several personal branding strategy points you need to be aware of to maximize your brand, here are some of them:

Choose the right Social Media
Social media today has several platforms and various types of applications that are commonly used. For example, you can use Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, and many more for your personal branding purposes. All of them have different user segment characteristics.

Choosing which social media specifications to use or the right social media for your career, of course, will affect what type of audience is captured by branding. So, choose the one in accordance with the intended target. For example, if you are a professional Headshot photographer, the right social media for you to do branding is Instagram. Also, make sure to use each social media according to their respective portions. For most people Linkedin remains the most important social media platform to use and get right.

Use the same name for Social Media accounts
This is crucial. When you decide to use multiple social media, it’s better to use the same real name for each social media. So it will be easier when other people want to find your presence on social media. Not only that, but it will also show your professionalism.

Do not use names that is not consistent with your professional brand, such as pseudonyms, stage names, or nicknames that only a few people know. Because it will make it look less professional and will deter from your personal branding.

Using a Professional Profile Photo
A profile photo is an essential aspect of personal branding. Your profile photo will determine your audiences first impression of you. So use a professional profile photo according to your purpose and career focus.

If the photo selected is unprofessional, the target audiences will hesitate and may get an undesired impression of you. Use profile photos that reflect your purpose and show professionalism in your career. It doesn’t have to be a suit and tie, but one that reflects your skill or expertise.

Describe Yourself (and your Expertise)
If people do not know who you are and what vision and purpose you have, it is likely that the brand formed will not be what you want. So it is important to talk about yourself and describe what the audiences should know about you.

When crafting a story, it will usually cover some basic questions: Who are you? What are your interests and purpose? Why do you want to achieve it? How to reach them it? Your journey.

Regularly updating Social Media profiles
The next strategy is regularly updating your profile on social media. This update can be done periodically at a set time, including a profile photo, biography, or description and most importantly your posts. An up to date profile has a higher chance of being known by others because, once again, you need to interact in social media.

It will show that your social media account is active and still operating by frequently doing up to date.

Posting content that matches your expertise
If you are using LinkedIn, you will often see accounts that post about professional advice, work experiences, tips and tools, and more. What they are doing enhances their personal branding. They make updates and share their passion and expertise as part of their personal branding endeavours. 

By sharing, their audiences will think that the person is professional. So, you can do the same. Post content related to the purpose you want to highlight for your target audiences. Share interesting, unique, and useful things.

For example, if you are a digital marketer, frequently update digital marketing posts such as digital marketing tips and tools, professional advice related to digital marketing, experiences, and more.

People will react, comment, and share your posts. This will enhance your personal brand.

Join Groups or Communities
Communities are places that can be used to seek or share knowledge. Join a group that has the same goal that aligns with your purpose and desired brand.

This strategy also aims to build work, business, or community network links. Interact with as many people as possible. Establish healthy and positive communication with your community.

The network that you have describes yourself and is part of your brand. If you have a wide network, especially a professional network, the branding will be even better and will support your career in the future.

Follow accounts that align with your Purpose
Almost all companies have social media accounts. They usually use social media to promote their business, provide information and keep their stakeholders updated. Use company social media to further build your personal branding.

Follow accounts that are useful and have the same characteristics as the skills or interests that you are pursuing. By doing this, you can support your purpose and even develop it.

Ask other people professional opinions about you (Testimonials)
This is a common strategy on LinkedIn. It has a special feature for sharing work experience history, detailed explanations of the users themselves, or testimonials from people who follow the accounts and others.

The testimonial in question can be added to the profile section on Linkedin. Later, it will be a reference for other people to find personal information when visiting your account on LinkedIn.

Consistency is the primary key to success when branding yourself. Personal branding can be successful if you have the discipline and willpower.

If needed, schedule posts or updates on your social media accounts, list what content you will share. With frequent updates, you show your professionalism and purpose.


These are some personal branding strategies through social media that you can apply to succeed in your career. Today there are many platforms that can be used to support your businesses or career by building a personal brand. Everyone has a personal brand, is your what you want it to be?

Effective Personal Branding Strategies Through Social Media

One of the benefits of social media is that it can be used to build personal branding in your career. Branding yourself is a way to introduce who you are and what you offer to future business partners, professionals, or companies. There are several personal branding options with social media.

For those of you who are starting a business or an employee looking to grow your career, successful personal branding can be one of the early gateways for career success. There are several personal branding strategy points you need to be aware of to maximize your brand, here are some of them:

Choose the right Social Media

Social media today has several platforms and various types of applications that are commonly used. For example, you can use Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, and many more for your personal branding purposes. All of them have different user segment characteristics.

Choosing which social media specifications to use or the right social media for your career, of course, will affect what type of audience is captured by branding. So, choose the one in accordance with the intended target. For example, if you are a professional Headshot photographer, the right social media for you to do branding is Instagram. Also, make sure to use each social media according to their respective portions. For most people Linkedin remains the most important social media platform to use and get right.

Use the same name for Social Media accounts

This is crucial. When you decide to use multiple social media, it’s better to use the same real name for each social media. So it will be easier when other people want to find your presence on social media. Not only that, but it will also show your professionalism.

Do not use names that is not consistent with your professional brand, such as pseudonyms, stage names, or nicknames that only a few people know. Because it will make it look less professional and will deter from your personal branding.

Using a Professional Profile Photo

A profile photo is an essential aspect of personal branding. Your profile photo will determine your audiences first impression of you. So use a professional profile photo according to your purpose and career focus.

If the photo selected is unprofessional, the target audiences will hesitate and may get an undesired impression of you. Use profile photos that reflect your purpose and show professionalism in your career. It doesn’t have to be a suit and tie, but one that reflects your skill or expertise.

Describe Yourself (and your Expertise)

If people do not know who you are and what vision and purpose you have, it is likely that the brand formed will not be what you want. So it is important to talk about yourself and describe what the audiences should know about you.

When crafting a story, it will usually cover some basic questions: Who are you? What are your interests and purpose? Why do you want to achieve it? How to reach them it? Your journey.

Regularly updating Social Media profiles

The next strategy is regularly updating your profile on social media. This update can be done periodically at a set time, including a profile photo, biography, or description and most importantly your posts. An up to date profile has a higher chance of being known by others because, once again, you need to interact in social media.

It will show that your social media account is active and still operating by frequently doing up to date.

Posting content that matches your expertise

If you are using Linkedin, you will often see accounts that post about professional advice, work experiences, tips and tools, and more. What they are doing enhances their personal branding. They make updates and share their passion and expertise as part of their personal branding endeavors.

By sharing, their audiences will think that the person is professional. So, you can do the same. Post content related to the purpose you want to highlight for your target audiences. Share interesting, unique, and useful things.

For example, if you are a digital marketer, frequently update digital marketing posts such as digital marketing tips and tools, professional advice related to digital marketing, experiences, and more.

People will react, comment, and share your posts. This will enhance your personal brand.

Join Groups or Communities

Communities are places that can be used to seek or share knowledge. Join a group that has the same goal that aligns with your purpose and desired brand.

This strategy also aims to build work, business, or community network links. Interact with as many people as possible. Establish healthy and positive communication with your community.

The network that you have describes yourself and is part of your brand. If you have a wide network, especially a professional network, the branding will be even better and will support your career in the future.

Follow accounts that align with your Purpose

Almost all companies have social media accounts. They usually use social media to promote their business, provide information and keep their stakeholders updated. Use company social media to further build your personal branding.

Follow accounts that are useful and have the same characteristics as the skills or interests that you are pursuing. By doing this, you can support your purpose and even develop it.

Ask other people professional opinions about you (Testimonials)

This is a common strategy on LinkedIn. It has a special feature for sharing work experience history, detailed explanations of the users themselves, or testimonials from people who follow the accounts and others.

The testimonial in question can be added to the profile section on Linkedin. Later, it will be a reference for other people to find personal information when visiting your account on LinkedIn.


Consistency is the primary key to success when branding yourself. Personal branding can be successful if you have the discipline and willpower.

If needed, schedule posts or updates on your social media accounts, list what content you will share. With frequent updates, you show your professionalism and purpose.


These are some personal branding strategies through social media that you can apply to succeed in your career. Today there are many platforms that can be used to support your businesses or career by building a personal brand. Everyone has a personal brand, is your what you want it to be?

At Syzygy Careers, we are passionate about careers. Contact us today more information. Follow us on Linkedin and Youtube.

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